Support individual career decision making

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Jennifer* was at a professional crossroads. She had experienced a disruption to her career and needed to determine what her next steps would be, professionally and personally. She wanted to reconnect to what matters most in her leadership and life, rediscover her professional identity, clarify the value she brings to the market and increase her self-confidence to transition her professional skills into a new context.


Jennifer engaged Canopy leadership coach, Kellie to partner with her in clarifying her professional and personal ambitions and reimagining how to bring that to life. Kellie met with Jennifer for six one-hour sessions over the course of 3-4 months.

Kellie supported Jennifer through a process that began with envisioning her ideal life, from her desired working environment to the way in which this would integrate with her personal circumstances. She focussed not on details, but on drawing out themes and feelings, to help Jennifer articulate the essence of the professional life she wished to create. Together they explored what was most important and the self-imposed assumptions that were limiting the scope of possibilities. They also identified transferable skills to get to the heart of the professional value that Jennifer had to offer.

With a clear vision of what Jennifer was searching for, Kellie worked with Jennifer to determine how she could authentically explore and identify professional opportunities that matched with her ambitions. They practiced articulating the message, devised a plan for next steps and partnered in the assessment of opportunities as they arose.

Jennifer said “One of the biggest benefits that came from working with Kellie was the way her process helped me identify factors that made me more effective when it came time to communicate my professional goals. Once I realized and prioritized the dynamics at play, I was able to frame my value and expertise in networking situations, which ultimately led to interviews and a job offer.”

By the end of the coaching engagement, Jennifer had two attractive professional offers to choose from.  With the clarity she had gained around the most important elements she wanted for this next chapter of her career, Jennifer was able to thoughtfully and intentionally assess the options. Jennifer has now accepted a new role that allows her to leverage her considerable skills and expertise in a new way, while meeting her personal priorities and curating a sustainable work/life balance.

*Note: to uphold the confidentiality standards established by the International Coaching Federation, the client name has been changed.

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